Promoting Black Herefords Across the Country
Kelley Farms is an established family-owned farm in Adena, OH. We have an impressive herd comprised of ABHA Registered Black Herefords-Purebred, Percentage and F1, registered Angus and Hereford cattle. Our farm is also the home of SKLN Take Heed and his sire Miles Ahead, an award-winning Hereford bull and one of the first sons of Double Your Miles.
Registered Angus Dams
Our farm has built a herd of cattle from a handful of registered animals. We were even able to add some great genetics from SAV and Manci.
Registered Hereford Sires
We have gone all over the nation to look for Hereford bulls with the best genetics. The ones we found were bred to our registered Angus and Hereford dams.

Contact Us
Get in touch with us today for more information. Our friendly team is here to answer any questions you may have about our cattle. We look forward to hearing from you!
A Family-Owned Farm Operating Since 2007
Our Cow and Calf Operation
We at Kelley Farms in Adena, OH strive to have competitive Black Hereford cattle. Currently, our herd has some of the top bulls in the nation and we hope to expand. We calve in the spring and fall, building our herd from just F1 to purebred genetics. .
Our Cowhands
We are proud of our help. We are a family operation that brings everyone in with their specialty. Nicole is great with the cattle. Her and the grandchildren love to watch the new babies. They are ready to help when needed.
Semen Sales
JDH AH Miles Ahead 35F ET Bull P43905516
One of the first sons of “Double Your Miles”
Polled-Registered Hereford Bull